Idioma para procesos de DS y NC: INGLES B2


Curso gratuito 100% financiado por el SEPE


180 h


– Dotar a los participantes de las capacidades necesarias para poder comunicarse con facilidad en diferentes tipos de situaciones.
– Poder expresarse con facilidad utilizando la estructura gramatical adecuada.
– Realizar actividades prácticas expresión e interacción oral.
– Expresar con fluidez una descripción sencilla de una variedad de temas que sean de su interés, presentándolos como una secuencia lineal de elementos.


Parte 1

Unidad formativa 1
– The name rings a bell.
– I find fascinating.
– I don´t think so!
– The boy who… Masterclass.
– Biotechnology.
– Cloud seeding.
– I´m curious to tknow.
– Washington, DC, witch.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 2
– Bad news.
– It mustt have been planned.
– If only.
– Giving advice.
– Bad news.
– On dear.
– What happened?
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 3
– Interviewing a principal.
– Student´s report.
– Compulsory education.
– If I had studied.
– Technology and learning.
– A missed opprotunity.
– What would life have been like?
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 4
– I have to see a doctor.
– Healthy eating.
– Natural medicine.
– History and culture.
– Food health.
– A consultation to the doctor.
– Mediation: The doctor said…
– Healty habits.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 5
– You need a retreat.
– Missionaries.
– Meditation.
– The enviroment.
– Trip to the Hagia Sophia.
– Missionary retreat- Speaking assignment.
– Mediation: Tasks list.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 6
– Moving plans.
– Dear doctor.
– Treatment or punishment.
– Working abroad.
– Renovating your home.
– Gift ideas.
– If only.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 7
– Vacation advertisements.
– Sightseeing.
– Travelling the world.
– Visiting new places.
– Culinary tourism.
– Medication: cultural exploration.
– Medication: The perfect job.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 8
– Working at the office.
– Busy office requires secretary.
– It´s about the order.
– Sales meeting.
– Last minute change.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 9
– Job interview- Typical situation.
– Supply Company.
– Working day.
– Public relations.
– Marketing techniques.
– Job interview.
– Effective techniques.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 10
– First aid.
– The hospital.
– Accident y emergengy.
– Health and feeling.
– In Sickness and in Health.
– An emergency.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 11
– Future human bodies.
– Acupuncture and chinese medicine.
– Popular sports.
– Fitness.
– Extreme sports.
– Tecnology.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 12
– At the windsurfer´s house 1.
– At the windsurfer´s house 2.
– Never too clase.
– Jewelry store.
– Animals and education.
– Easy communication.
– I´d rather live…
– Article.
– Test exercises.

Parte 2

Unidad formativa 1
– Getting a theater group together.
– Studying must be leamed.
– Body language.
– Social networks and media.
– World music tour.
– What´s your routine.
– “To get”.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 2
– Joining the group.
– Witness.
– Explorers.
– Relationships.
– Memories of boarding school.
– When you were a kid.
– Where I used to live.
– Test Exercises.

Unidad formativa 3
– Have you ever done any acting before?
– Defense of theater.
– Notes of a traveler.
– The teather.
– Healthdisorders.
– How long…
– Letter of complaint.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 4
– Reheasing at the theater.
– Our brain´s potential.
– By the year 2050…
– Guilty or innocent.
– Meaningful celebrations.
– At the laboratory.
– In ten years´s time.
– Future plans.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 5
– An invitation to the local press.
– Popular characters.
– How do you tell them apart?
– Education.
– I have been robbed.
– A person I know well.
– Mediation.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 6
– Ther first perfomance.
– How do you do.
– I´m quite jet-lagged.
– At the courthouse 1.
– At the courthouse 2.
– Memories and experience.
– A change for the better.
– Mount Rushmore National Memorial.
– Recent anecdote.
– catching up.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 7
– Shopping at the grocery store.
– Succesful relationsships.
– In round figuras.
– Familu resemblance.
– The Gold Rush.
– GM Food.
– Mediation. At the market!
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 8
– Going on tour.
– A mythical island.
– We would make a name for ourselves.
– Culture.
– A place I could call home.
– They might go…
– Adventurous journey.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 9
– Getting a contract.
– An advice columnist.
– Get things into proportion.
– Science.
– A letter from the agent.
– Mediation: If I were you.
– Giving advice.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 10
– Trouble with the tour.
– Top model and future star.
– Your dog the big screen.
– Mas media.
– The color purple.
– Tell me about.
– The influence of mass media.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 11
– Saying googbye.
– Choosing a present.
– How objets are.
– The movies.
– Working out the puzzle.
– At the trade show.
– Mediation.
– Movies and film industry.
– Test exercises.

Unidad formativa 12
– On the way to the East Coast.
– Christmas stories.
– Brunch or a regular meal?
– Cake design.
– Secrets of the sacred lake.
– Ther perfomance.
– Ecotourism.
– Talking about the Theater.
– Test exercises.


-No existen requisitos específicos para la participación en esta acción formativa, salvo que se deberá aportar la documentación necesaria. -Se reserva un porcentaje máximo de plazas destinadas para desempleados. -No hay plazas destinadas a funcionarios.

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